and Product Design ART 90F-3Units
Instructor: Philip Dimitriadis
Phone: 714-992- 7261
Class website-
Office Hrs: please schedule an appointment
,Tues & Thurs 8:30am – 10:40am,
Friday open availability
hours lecture and four hours lab per week. This course is designed to prepare
the art student for an entry level position within the entertainment industry
as a Prop/ Product designer. Prop
and Product Design encompasses the students creativity, combined with logic
based application of perspective, rendering, and design to illustrate objects
that are used or touched within commercial retail, game development or live
action/animated movies. Prop and
Product includes electronic devices, automobiles, weapons, military vehicles,
and other related portable objects.
Prop and Product Design is directly related to production design, automotive
design, toy development, and interior design.
The student will learn how to use observational and applied drawing
techniques for producing highly creative artwork encompassing product &
prop design. These skills shall be applied to a variety of projects including: consumer
products, electronic design, toy development, prop design for entertainment,
and vehicle design. The student will learn techniques and materials used by
traditional, and digital illustrators.
GRADING: Participation,
Assignments, Tardiness
Participation: Your participation in the class is a key element
towards completing the class successfully. Participation is comprised of
student effort within the class, which encompasses lectures, critiques, and
discussions. Therefore attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend all
class sessions. Excessive
absences, by necessity, will cause the student to be dropped from the course. If
you have a medical or personal condition that prevents you from arriving to
class on time, please notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester.
-2 consecutive absences =
student can be dropped from the class, district policy
-4 absences anytime total=
drop in final grade by a letter grade
-6 absences anytime total=
drop from the class
-6 tardies to class, equal a
missed class
- using facebook, twitter, or
on a cell phone= an absence
-leaving early= an absence
If you intend to drop the
course, please make sure that you do it yourself or you will get a F.
Notification to the instructor for consecutive absences is mandatory. There is
no need to update the instructor for one absence, unless you are concerned
about a deadline or topics covered. It shall be the student’s responsibility to
obtain notes regarding missed lectures from other students.
Assignments: Assignments are due upon instructors deadline, and in the beginning of
the class. Assignments turned in after the critique, in the middle of class or
on another day will be considered late. Late projects can be subject to a
complete drop in grade letter. Each project will be given a numerical grade, a
verbal description during critique, and a possible written evaluation. There will also be formal and informal
group critiques involving peer criticism of work. The grade scale that will be employed will be: 100%-90%=A, 89%-80%=B, 79%-70%=C, etc.
There will be a total of approximately 500 pts accumulated over the semester
for: participation, prompt assignment delivery, assignment completion, quizzes,
and all other related coursework.
The content of that day’s work
will be discussed in lecture the first 15-30 minutes of lecture, with the
balance of the session used as an open studio lab. Class role shall be taken in
the first 5 minutes of the class, and again at the end of class. Arriving at
the end of class does not count as a daily attendance, and shall be considered
an absence. Each
student is responsible for all information given out in class whether or not
she/he is present. Constant tardiness will affect your grade, and can result in
the drop of your grade, by a letter grade, at the end of the semester.
Upon successful completion of ART 90F Prop and
Product Design, the student will be able to: read a descriptive script outline
while devising solutions using logical thinking skills combined with
traditional drawing skills, develop solutions for visual problems using quick
sketching/ rapid visualization techniques, and display their work in a
professional manner demonstrating their work process from initial thumbnail to
finishing rendering.
have an obligation to become familiar with the College’s policies, rules, and
regulations, and to conduct themselves in a reasonable, respectful manner
conducive to attaining their educational goals. Respectful behavior for the
instructor, other students, and lab aides is expected at all times within the
class, lab, and outside of class.
Students should refer to the college catalog under the heading Student Conduct for additional
No Food and Drink in lab, and class. NO VISITORS! (This would include children, friends,
spouses, etc. Please, no
exceptions). Turn off all cell phones and beepers before you come into class.
Any music played during class
must be played in sealed headphones, and must not disturb others inside the
class. No exceptions.
Academic Honesty: Please refer to the
College Catalog regarding this matter.
Grade Appeal Procedure: Consult
the College Catalog concerning this process.
Emergency Response Message: Please take note
of the safety features in and close to your classroom and study the posted
evacuation route. The most direct
route of egress may not be the safest because of the existence of roofing tiles
or other potentially hazardous conditions. Similarly, running out of the building can also be dangerous
during severe earthquakes. During
strong earthquakes, the recommended response is to duck, cover, and hold until
the shaking stops. Follow the
guidance of your instructor. Your
cooperation during emergencies can minimize the possibility of injury to
yourself and others.
College is committed to providing educational accommodations for students with
disabilities, upon the timely request by the student to the instructor.
Verification of the disability must also be provided. Disability Support
Services functions as a resource for students and faculty in the determination
and provision of the accommodations.
-There shall be assignments
due at the beginning of every week, comprised of weekly reading & sketching
from the class textbook. No exceptions.
-Projects shall be assigned
encompassing studio work time, with an instructor demo, and a 2 week completion
period. The instructor is available outside of class for critiques, and
-Assignments shall be printed
11x17, and mounted upon black presentation board.
Supplies: Sketchbook (legal size paper bounded), tracing paper,
portable thumb drive storage, notebook, note taking material.
Required Textbook:
Sketching (12th printing):
Drawing Techniques for Product Designers
Found at, and many
other online stores.
Please note- course outline
is subject to change to reflect holidays, extended assignments, or any other
foreseen complication. The * symbol represents assignment weeks.
WEEK 1: Class introduction, Chapter 1 & 2 of Textbook,
Assignment 1- blender assignment
WEEK 2: Holiday
WEEK 3: Chapters
3 & 4,
WEEK 4: Chapters
5 & 6, Assignment 2- knife dispenser, and toaster
WEEK 5: Chapters
7 & 8, open class studio/demo day.
WEEK 6: Chapters
9 & 10, Assignment 3- Toy design- t.b.a. by instructor
WEEK 7: Chapters
10 & 11, open class studio/demo day.
WEEK 8: Chapters
12 Assignment 4- Ruggedized
computer & cel phone
WEEK 10: Book
review, open class studio/demo day.
WEEK 11: Portfolio
presentation. Assignment 5- Remote control helicopter
WEEK 12: Holiday
WEEK 13: Prep
for final- . Assignment 6- Battle tank/ aircraft collection
WEEK 14: Final Assignment- Assignment 7 - Action figure
credit is always available.
• Get a phone buddy! Assignments may be
re-done, due 2 weeks after original due date for a higher grade, and will still
be considered late.
• If instructor is sick please see the
classroom blog for updates/information, and sign the attendance roll sheet
posted outside the class. A missing signature will equal an absence.